Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Great Smile At Any Age

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Braces aren’t just for kids anymore. Fact of the matter is…healthy teeth can be moved at any age. 

Over time our bodies start to wear out, including our teeth. As our teeth wear, the lower and the upper jaw move closer together, causing our lips to change and creases to form on the sides of our nose and mouth. And as we all know…these things are the tell-tail signs of aging. Straightening your teeth and correcting a bad bite can be an important part of improving your appearance, as well as your self-esteem. 

If you've been thinking about improving your smile but thought that traditional metal braces were your only option...think again. Technological advances in orthodontics have made appliances that are barely noticeable, which gives adults more discreet choices when it comes to treatment.  

Clear Braces are made of ceramic, plastic or a combination of both and are hardly visible. 

Clear Aligners are removable and are an alternative to the fixed orthodontic appliances. Clear Aligners are a series of clear plastic “trays” that fit over your teeth exactly. Each tray moves your teeth a little bit at a time until they are in the proper position.  

Lingual Braces are metal braces are bonded to the back of your teeth so that no one can see them.

So, don't let your age stop you from having the perfect smile you've always dreamed of. We're seeing more and more adult patients these days, 
and it's not hard to figure out why.

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