Thursday, June 5, 2014

It's Snack Time

Keeping a bright, cavity-free smile once your braces are off is completely up to you. 
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We all know brushing your teeth after you eat is important, but practicing good eating habits and limiting the amount of sugary foods will help keep your smile looking its best. 

Make Good Choices 
Many people choose to snack throughout the day in order to keep their metabolism steady. But not all snacks are created equal and many processed food snacks are not only bad for your health…they can wreak havoc on your smile. 

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One of the best ways to make sure you are eating “smile approved” snacks is to only keep those snacks available. Admit it…you know that if you had cookies in one hand and celery sticks in the other…you’re eating the cookies. So make it easy on yourself and get rid of all the unhealthy snacks and only keep healthy snacks around. 

A good snack to keep around would be fibrous and crunchy fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables, like carrots and pears, scrub off some of the germs and bacteria that collect on your teeth while also increasing your flow of saliva. Protein rich foods are also great because they will give you the nutrients necessary for building strong teeth. 

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Looking for that perfect snack? You can never go wrong with a nice apple. Apples are full of the fiber that you need to keep both your teeth happy and your stomach full without all of the added sugars that come with most other snacks. Other great snacks options include cantaloupe, bananas, blueberries, cheese or yogurt.

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